Sunday, May 09, 2010

Continuing Action of the Spirit

Message from Fr. Jose Koluthara, C.M.I.

Blow in us, O Spirit of God, as we prepare to celebrate your continued presence with us and within us.  Amen.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Today’s readings remind us of the gift of the abiding Spirit. The action of the Spirit transformed our ancestors in the faith, strengthening them for the work of evangelization and encouraging them in times of doubt, difficulty, conflict or persecution. It plotted their path for the growth of the Christian community. But some of us are perhaps less aware of the continuing action of the Spirit in the Church today. Is it because the Spirit continually challenges believers to practice discernment? Is it because we think we will be caught off-guard by what the Spirit might say?

The scripture selections will enable us to see how the early church dealt with similar issues and to appreciate some of the principles of discernment that they developed under the aegis of the Spirit. Jesus in today’s Gospel (Jn 14:23-29) establishes the Spirit as God’s gift sent in Jesus’ name to remind the church of all that Jesus said and taught. An attitude of welcome is necessary on the part of all believers to benefit from this gift. This welcome should express itself in the form of constant collective and private prayer besides having a willingness to be surprised.

A second principle is suggested in today’s 1st reading from Acts (15:1-2, 22-29). Don’t backpedal, don’t attempt to restrict the action of the Spirit. After the Cornelius event (Acts. 10-11) and the Spirit-driven, landmark decision to accept gentiles, some wanted to impose Mosaic practice on gentiles as a requisite for salvation. After considerable dissension and controversy, the church agreed to gather, tapped into the power of the ever-present Spirit and decided not to burden the gentile converts “beyond that which is strictly necessary”.

In this post Vatican II era, we must allow the Spirit, so much in evidence at that Council, to continue to move us to realize its insights, decisions, reforms and renewals. Rather than backpedal or ignore or even deny the movement of the Spirit, let us be as bold as a Paul, a Peter, a Barnabas or a John XXIII.

To encourage our continued openness to the Spirit author Murray Bodo, a Franciscan priest, shares the following: “…from time to time, there is an unexpected, sudden revelation or shining forth of God,… call it insight, epiphany, the presence of the Spirit... because of that moment, all the rest of my days are changed permanently.”


Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him and we will come to him. How will I respond to that love? Am I being called to the priesthood or religious life?

If God is calling you, contact Fr. Hansoo Park 416-968-0997 or send an email to or visit

If God is calling you, contact Fr. Hansoo Park 416-968-0997 Email or visit


"Priesthood is the Love of the Heart of Jesus"

On Saturday, May 15, the Archdiocese of Toronto will celebrate the ordination of five new priests for service to the community. His Grace, Thomas Collins, Archbishop of Toronto, will preside at the ceremony, which will take place at St. Michael’s Cathedral. Please keep them in your prayers. They are:
- 1 - Rev Mr. Luis Manuel Calleja Jr., 31, was born and raised in Toronto (baptised in St. Edith Stein Parish and will celebrate mass with us on May 23).

- 2 - Rev Mr. Kim D'Souza, 27, was born into an Indian family living in Nigeria.

- 3 - Rev Mr. Silvio Eljuga, 41, was born in Zagreb, Croatia.

- 4 - Rev Mr. Landorff José García Mariona, 34, was born in San Salvador City, El Salvador.

- 5 - Rev Mr. Bartlomiej Palczewski, 32, was born and raised in Poland.

Visit the Archdiocese of Toronto website for photos and their brief biographies.

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